*are mandatory
**the ingredients i use for basic wishes
smoked quarts
*mini bottle with stopper**
*copper wire**
I call upon the power three
To bring my desire to me
By fire, air, land, and sea
I thank thee, so mote it be
1. Gather the ingredient you felt you needed along with the corked bottle, copper wire and sage.
2. Place the smoked quarts into the bottle, then break up the flower and place some of the petals, then the ginger, then the sage. As your doing this think of what exactly you are wishing for, imagine it is happening that it has already come to pass.
3. As you finally fill up your bottle, and you know that your wish will come true you chant the chant a total of three full times still imagining that your wish has already come to pass, while doing this you are going to cork the bottle then wrap the bottle in the copper wire as you fill you need to. (it can be just around the top and the cork, in a design around the bottle, or even encasing the bottle in the wire it is strictly up to you and what you fill you need)
Steps for all baths
Soak 1/2 cup of herds over night then simmer for 10 mins and strain into the bath
Place into cheesecloth/pantie hoes, tie off and succor over the tap so hot water pours through it
Orange Peel
comfrey root
After Workout
bay leaf
Itchy Skin
Orange Peel
Comfrey root
rose leaf
**This next bath is with essential oils (there for can also be made into an inhaler) and not for anyone who has a fever or is nauseous**
2 drops of:
tea-tree oil
4 drops:
lemon oil
1 drop:
eucalyptus oil
Headache Inhaler
10 drops of:
lavender oil
peppermint oil
marjoram oil
5 drops of:
just mix into a small container and inhale to help with headaches
Random Quick Fixes to Everyday Things:
Quick Sunburn heal: Just chop an unpealed cucumber, place into a pot with some milk. Let that get to a simmer then remove and cool. Once its cool apply it by running the cucumber over the sunburn or let the cucumber sit on a particularity burnt place and that should help with the sting, soreness, and help prevent any unwanted blistering.
Quick way to remove a stain on your skin: Take half a lemon and rub it all over the stained area, let it sit for 5 min and wala just rinse well with some warm water and your good as new.
Sore throat, not anymore, Just sip on pineapple juice through out the day.
Tooth ache quick fix: Did you know that taking a bit of crushed up clover and rubbing it over your tooth where it hurts along the gum front and back, granted it taste nasty as all hades, will numb your tooth, dull the pain, and you dont have to put all the extra money into orajel or some other tooth ache meds, and need need to take pain killers
(you can wash out your mouth after you throughly rub the area down)
Ive been shopping around for spells on removing misfortune due to my boyfriends general misfortune this year, we have been together for three months and in that time he has had an uncle killed, a childhood friend commit suicide, he grampa passes away on the 31 and to be honest he hasn't have the best of life. So I found this one keep popping up so heres my take on it hope it helps others.
Remove Misfortune Original (only for yourself)
**this is done how i suggest you should do or as i take them to mean it but also sticking to the original**
You will need:
9 thorns from white roses, or nine pins
9 cloves of garlic
3 small jars (about the size of baby food jars)
You will pierce the garlic with pins/thorns saying:
"Misfortune begone from me."
This means that you will take a clove, pierce it and say this then repeat it with the next clove effectivly saying this three times for each jar.
Place three cloves in each jar.
Bury these jars within sight of a church one jar in one spot another in another spot and the last in another spot.
Say the Lords Prayer each time you do this.
Walk away and dont look back at what you have done.
I suggest you do this in a line starting farthest from where you are leaving at and work your way back to where you are leaving from making a line, or taking and working around the church and burying one in the back, one in the side, and one in the front then get into your car and leave
Removal of Misfortune My Version (for you and for your loved ones, family or friends)
You will need:
9 thorns from white roses, or nine pins
9 cloves of garlic
3 small jars (about the size of baby food jars)
Take a clove, pierce it and say "Misfortune of all kinds, big or little, be gone from me and mine." then repeat it with the next clove effectively saying this three times for each jar.
**As you are doing this think of all the misfortune that has befallen you, death/money problems/heartache/struggles, think of them and think of the people you wish didn't have these misfortunes, your parents, your significant other, your friends, see them in your mind. Now imagine that they are being wiped away from your family, friends, loved ones life. The slate is being wiped clean. **
When you are done place three cloves in each jar.
Bury these jars within sight of a church one jar in one spot another in another spot and the last in another spot.
Say the Lords Prayer each time you do this.
Walk away and don't look back at what you have done (leave your misfortune there and don't look back so to speak).
Oh and for those who dont remeber it the lords prayer is
Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name.
Your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth, as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread,
and forgive us our debts,
as we also have forgiven our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
Nightmare Bracelet
To combat nightmares, night terrors, and insomnia i came up with this bracelet.
After much research do to my friend havening night terrors and insomnia i found crystals that combat these issues and finding that 11 is considered to be the number to combat nightmares so i suggest to have 11 of each of the beads you chose to use or at least 11 beads in total.
Jet- absorbers negative energy such as those in nightmares (earth, spirit)
Citrine- increases quality sleep or fitful sleep (fire)
Amethyst- insomnia and nightmare prevention (Water)
Selenite- mental clarity and aids in dream quality (Water)
Green Jasper- commonly used to make Native American arrow heads, promotes restful sleep and pleasant dreams (Earth)
Healer Bracelet
For this one i personally made to enhance my abilities as a healer and to help unlock my powers to their full potential since Ive hidden them for years.
Snow Quartz also called snow jade is used stimulate hopes, stabilizes dreams, help overcome self imposed blocks (find your inner strength to alleviate self-blocks), promotes clarity of mind (spirit/water)
Turquoise this gem is believed by the Pueblos to be one of the four "elemental" gems connecting earth and sky (coral, jet, and abalone shell being the other three) it is highly recommended for healers to wear this gem to increase their powers and believed to heal the wearer emotionally and aid in heart, stomach, and eye illnesses (earth/air)
Green Jasper Used by many ancient cultures as an all-purpose healing stone, believed to boost the ability of the healer to clairvoyantly see any issues related to the Chakras, to balance a healer's auric fields, activate skills and general clairvoyance of the healer (Galen himself used Green Jasper as a talisman to help him better judge diseases) (earth)
A number of pennies, based on a lucky number or your life path number, that are from the year you were born
a drop of honey
a dash of clover
a dash of cinnamon
a gris girs bag in black, red, or green if possible or a square of cloth from something that you love/has a good meaning or that you think is lucky
something to tie the bag up it can have meaning to you, it can be something to embellish the bag, it can even just be a hair tie that you had on you
Take your cloth and add the pennies in my case i add 4 cus thats my life path number, i stack mine but you can do what you wish. Then drop a bit of honey and then a dash of clover and some cinnamon on top and then grab the corners of the cloth and pinch them together creating a pouch. Now take your ribbon, yarn, twine, hair tie, whatever you chose to tie the bag up with and tie the ends closed.
and there you go, its recommended that you carry it with you always but you can just keep it in my wallet/purse.I have made mine into a necklace and actually wear it warped in healing stones and with my arrow head so that i get both the luck and the focus for my healing abilities. I also suggest that you redo it every year on a Thursday of a wax moon and preferably within a month of your last bag.
Native American Prayer
Ga lu lo hi gi ni du da
Alu da wa gi ni li si
E lo hi gi ne tse
ga li e li ga
si gi ni ge yu
o sa li he li ga
Sky our grandfather
Moon our grandmother
Earth our mother
I am thankful
We love each other
We are grateful
☪ Sleep Chant ☼
Goddess above, Queen of the night,
Help me sleep in your healing light.
Restful sleep come to me,
Relax my body and let my mind free.
Grant me calm,
Grant me peace,
so that i may wake
Within Gods golden embrace.
Simple Sleep Chant
Goddess I ask of the
Take away these thoughts from me
So that i may sleep peacefully
So Mote It BE
Notes over protective items:
Notes taken back in January of 2014
Black Salt
used to purify and asorb evil or negativity
Light a black candle, sage the the salt and house (use holy water too if wish) then light white candle to add purification and positivity
add to War Water, Hot Foot powder, Graveyard Dirt and Rattle Snake salt for added potency and protection
change weekly by one of four methods:
ground- bury it at a cross roads that you dont visit often, cemetery or somewhere far enough away from your property that you wont bring back the negativity with you
cast to wind- in the 4 directions asking the winds to take away your negativity and evil
fire- throw into fire with paper of stuff you with to rid of (dont use these ashes to make more black salt)
living water- running water ie creek, ocean, a ditch were the water runs and isn't still, a toilet or sink can be used if your desperate but not advised if you have a septic tank or live in a apartment complex were the negativity will end up sticking to your area
War Water
Also called Iron water and Mars water
this water is simply iron rich water that has rusted and is reddish brown in hue
Basicaly you take cut iron of any kind (ie iron nails usally) cover with a little bit of water and let it rust for 7-10 days adding water as the rust builds, strain and use as needed.
side note:
if you wish for it to look more witchy and black add sulfur, gunpowder or spanish moss, it turns the water black and makes it smell most horrible
and avoid using it with thunderstorm water, urine and sulfur all together or more then two and war water mixed ie dont use this in a witches bottle if you plan on adding urine
contains Cayenne pepper, Black pepper, black mustard seed, sulfur and high john the conqueror root
mixed and finely ground together in a mort and pestle
remember to always wash hands after touching
removed unwanted guest and prevents unwanted visitors
Rattle snake salt
this is just salt from salt curing rattle snake meat
its common in South America but extremely hard to find and is believed that when used in food makes you stronger and live longer
Graveyard Dirt
Should be payed for ie pay the spirit of the person you are taking from
The going usual payment is silver dimes but if you know the person you can change it to suet the person,
for example my Grandy Lucil loved purple Morning Glories, Figs, Kumquats, and loved her red hair dye
also something between me and her was to gift each other things in purple so that might also be a acceptable offering.
You should always dry out your grave yard dirt
it is used for protection, curses, creativity, love spells and prosperity
where you get the dirt effects the out come of your spell (ie if you got dirt from a famous writer then use it for creativity, if you got it from a singer use it for singing, need money or prosperity go to a billionaires grave, .etc .etc)
always be respectful in asking for your dirt dont just take it
combine all of these or even just three or four and you have a very powerful protection potion that drives away those of negativity and that are unwanted, clears out the evil, absorbs the negativity, and strengthens the protection of your home, i personally havnt done this yet because i just dont have the freedom to make them without runing into problems with the people i live with atm but i cant wait to be able to make this and place it at my door ways when i can
Simple Wish Spell
Catch a falling leaf in mid air, make your wish, kiss the leaf, and toss it into the wind
Banish Fear
plant or ourside area you can dig in
Spell Steps:
Step one: Write "I am fearless" in repetition as a border on the paper all connecting to seal in the fears
Step two: In the center of the paper write all your fears
examples are stuff like I fear not being good enough, that i will let everyone i love down, that im making my abilities up, i wont graduate,
Step Three: Fold the paper short end to short end (hamburger fold) then long end to long end (hot dog)
Step Four:
you will either
~ place in a potted plant for 30-45 mins and visualize that the plant is absorbing your fears and grounding your mind come back in the alloted time and take the paper out and throw it away then sage or purify the plant and the area around it so the fear dosn't stick around
~ go outside and bury your paper on the edge or your property deep enough it wont come up if it rains or a dog digs around the area, again visualize that earth is absorbing your fears and grounding your mind do this for a while till you feel the calmness and knowledge that your fears are being taken cared of; after 30-45 mins sage or purify the area you buried the note at so that the fear doesn't stick around.
Protection Sachet
You will need:
Snowflake Obsidian
Black Sachet
What you do:
Pace your herbs in the sachet, then take your stones and bury them in the herbs and tie it off.
Your going to wont to place this in a door way, with any embellishments you feel you need on the bag, or in the center of your home, your even in the hallway on a wall that doesn't hold the doors to adsorb the negativity of all the areas it
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