Thursday, July 3, 2014

4th of July

Hey guys so its been a little over a week since I was in the hospital and im doing good, had to take a week to finish meds, gain strength and get back to some what normal.

Anyways, now that I am back and everything I figured it was time to post a little something for the 4th.
As everyone knows this is the perfect time to get sparklers and since I never miss an opportunity to make a spell out of something odd I thought I would share something that I recently planed for tomorrow.

I like sparklers because they are a combination of fire but also night for me. What i mean by that is that the sparks to me are like fire stars that you can see up close and personal, almost as if im holding a star in my hand because im holding this wand of fire and light.

Going on this concept I made a spell/prayer to correspond with the moon phase atm. For me that is waxing so im doing a prayer for growth and health but if it was waning i would ask for banishing of my fears and obstacle in my way.

And what i will be doing is lighting the sparkler and say as i draw a pentagram in the air:
With this sparkler that I light
I hope you hear my spirits plight
For better health and spiritual growth
With fire light upon the air 
a pentagram for hope and care
I thank the for my answered prayer

Its simple to change the "For better health and spiritual growth" to fit yourself wish to gain/banish, and you can do this whenever.

I also find that this actually would make for a good coven prayer, kinda like when your coven leader lights their candle and then everyone lights their own, only its sparklers and as each person passes on the light they state what they are hoping to gain. I don't think it would be hard at all to make this into a simple little beginner coven ritual for say someone new to the craft and covens to get their feet wet.

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