Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Hidden Altar Tips and Tricks #2

So adding from the other day I figured i would give you some more examples of what I have already shown you before i get on to new ideals. Numbers 1 and 2 are examples of the bowl ideal, number 2 being a floating bowl made to use as a offering dish to the god/goddess. Number 3 is a simple dish that you can do many things with to make an elemental altar in this case its candle colored water and dirt. I suggest actually getting crystal shards and filling them. And of course 4 and 5 are center pieces. 

This is a center peice that I have actually seen my grama do a couple of times when i was younger so I know for a fact it dose not raise eyebrows.

I love this one.

This one was so simple i decided to elaborate on how you could do this to without having statues that your worried someone will say something about. First off you could always get a faery if your a fairy wiccan, a dragon if you work with dragons, a animal you connect with or represents your god and goddess, heck you can just have a necklace and forgo the statue. Maybe even have a necklace with say a wolf on it or dragon and have that be a personal designated necklace to represent your path, just make sure that you purify it at least once a week to get rid of negativity.

This is a bathroom display that serves as a sea witches altar. the balls can be used for divination, the "pearl" i think is a moon stone I am not to sure *humm*.

Another way to amp up and designate a place as your altar or sacred work area is to get tables that have a meaning such as this one thats a tree. Or say a wolf end table or A driftwood coffee table, anything really works again as long as it has meaning to you. Besides they are a nice way to add character to a room without anyone knowing it also adds meaning.

Now this one is what I cal an altar in a vase. Simple take a crystal wand place 5 roses or any flower real or fake with the wand resting in the middle of all 5 right under the flower where the stem starts. Next take and wrap the garland around the stems so they secure the crystal into place and then place into your vase. You can use that vase as a altar and when you wish to work just take it out and set it up with some tea lights if you have them. *If you use real flowers and are keeping them into water make sure to see if your crystal can be wet* 

This is what i call the grab altar. Simple go on a nature walk and what you feel like your connected to grab as you walk. When you get to the end of your trail before you walk back place them on the ground or a stump and do your work leaving them when your done.

This one is kinda like the flower vase one only feathers and a piece of leather and fur to lay them out on.

This is a bird bath that you place flowers that you associate with your god and goddess in then add tea lights. Belive it or not this is also a great ideal as a way to light your bird bath or pond or fountain at night.

This is a crystal and stone concept, In this one you leave your stones and crystals outside in the bird bath and they get charged with sun and moonlight and you can just use the bird bath as a altar or take out the stones and crystals and set up a crystal altar. There are many designs for crystal altar or crystal grids and again this is a very simple way to hide your altar. If you dont have a birdbath you could just use a jar on a window seal and get the same effect.

Now on to wall altars done artiste. A fellow artiest on here said something that has stuck with me cus i feel the same way. Art is magic. The artiest spends time and pours there energy and intent into making the art perfect and show what they feel or mean. I have taken this into mind when I came up with this ideal. Simple you make a piece or art or find art that means something to you. For example: I plan on making a dragon/fairy wall altar, I plan on making a set of heavy metal fairy wings that i can wear on occasion but keep them apart so that i can also hang them on the wall in the center of the two wings im going to make one of these crayon arts by getting a dragon silhouette and placing it over a canvas and then proceed to melt red and black crayons around the dragon onto the canvas when im done ill remove the dragon and have a dragon outline with red and black for the background. There are several possibilities when it comes to DIY art ideals for a wall altar and im sure you can find one that fits for you. Some ideals are: making four small ones to represent each of the elements, making one with a quote that you are drawn to, finding a pic online that you like print it off onto iron on transfer sheets then ironing them onto a canvass or pice of fabric that you then stretch using embroidery hoops and hang onto the wall. The possibilities are endless.

I saw this and irremediably thought you could turn this into a wheel of the year and elements clock that has pictures like like a pumpkin for Samhain, Wheat for Lammas, Easter eggs for Ostara, A lake for water, a forest or mountain for earth, again the possibilities are endless. 

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