Wednesday, May 21, 2014

My alter atm :)

My alter just pushed to the side, i didn't feel like setting it all up.

The stuff above my alter, since i meditate in front of my alter this is hear for my spirit guide. The string with the close pin holding paper are pre made sigils and a bookmark i made.

This is my pentagram, its just a old dream catcher ring i had with rubber bands cus i cant keep it up.
My sun and moon candle holders, and My flower arrangement for Freya, she loves flowers so i got some fake ones, added some handmade ones i made this morning with some paper and little glitter eggs from easter, the ribbon around the top is a wedding ribbon so i though it fit with her :)

Cinnamon cus thats one of my go to herbs for working, my container with my sigil for blessings from Freya: it just has dandelion seeds, the lady bug candle holder is just holding some dried flowers and buds again to represent Freya and nature. and behind them are just a lot of candles. 

I saw this on pintrest and loved it so i drew it up my way, then colored it. I love that it contains both my wolf and the elements all in one.

This is just a orange covered in whole cloves it makes a pomander ball. (whole cloves are what's in my bowl)  I love the smell and wonted to make one so this is my first one lol figures crossed it works out lol.  Oh and the bowl is what I use to burn things or mix stuff ie my cauldron. 

This is a vile of sigil infused water I made and the candle in the back is a white one i love that i drew the goddess and god moon symbol in repetition along the top.

I rely on salt like  more then normal cus thats all I had to protect me when  I was younger so i tend to keep a vile of it. This is just some i keep in a old medication bottle the cap has the rune for protection and under the cap is a drawn pentagram.

And this is just a MTG mat that i tend to use to practice stuff on like Cartomancy lol. I plan on getting one thats more shall we say pagany but that requires customizing a pic and then getting it printed and stuff and I don't have money for that atm.

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