Sunday, May 25, 2014


Today I found that I was bored and struggling to come up with a topic for the blog and i got to thinking about how today is Sunday.
Today for me was Church Day growing up.

I would wake up at the ass crack of dawn (6am) to get ready to go to church. Spend an hr in Sunday School learning in my respective age group class, spend 9 to 12 in the adult church unless your 12 and under then you had children church which i guess was better cus at least then your spending most of the time playing with kids. After church service depending on the week we would either have Sunday picnic where everyone prayed and worshiped and ate at the local park till 3ish then go back to the church for all the different chorus practices, went home to eat lunch and come back at 6 for the practices, or had a lunch at the church and stayed and socialized all day and then had chorus practice before church. All ending the same way with me going to church again at 6 to attend children's/youth practice then adult chorus practice and then spend another 3 hrs or more at church for the evening service that started at 7 and ran at all hrs of the night at times even as late as 12 pm. I did this every day since I was born till I was 15.

What always got me more then anything is that my mother never had to attend all the services or do half the things me and my sisters were told we had to do. And this always made me madder then a bird who didn't get the worm.

I've learn not to let these things get to me as I'v grown but lately after much looking back on it it still gets me how parents make us do all the things they would never do to make you a "better person" or "have a better life then me".

My mom was not a good women and granted I understand she loves me, I still don't thing she had the right to do half the things she did as I was growing up. If she couldn't give herself a better life then how dose she have the right to tell me what will make my life a better one.

I bring this up to tie into the Sunday topic because I am so sick of people like my mom or even the parents who are the perfect parents and great people, who force children to believe what they believe or do what they think is best for them when it comes to things like religion or career paths for example:

You have a child who is a natural dancer, to them dancing is their life. However, life isn't easy for dancers and more then a little hard to make something out of yourself so a parent tells them that that is not a viable career path and instead force them to be something more "productive and viable" a career.

Or you have a parent like my mom who made me go to church ever chance there was Monday- Sunday if there was something going on then I was there sick or not. She know full well that I didn't believe in God and that I would never willingly go to church yet I was told God was the only religion of worth and that I needed him in my life or I was going to hell and all the other stuff that comes with Christianity bashing on people who don't believe.

These parents force their children into a life they don't wont to have and grow to hate. My question is why? You know that it pushes your children away, makes them resent the very thing you are making them do, hell your making them into what you wish you had done or did, and when it backfires and they tell you that this is not them you get upset and offended. Didn't you see this coming? How would you have reacted if you were them?

A popular question among parents now a days is rather you should force religion on to the children you are rising. My stance is no you should not ever force or sway your children for the fear that you will make them resent you or the very thing you love and hope that they will grow to love, but they should still be exposed to it to at least learn know about it and take to it if they please.
I think the world would be a whole lot happier if you stopped forcing people to believe in what you think is right for them when in actuality you yourself haven't found out what is right for you.
So what if  Christianity isn't my belief, or if they don't wont to continue the family line of lawyers of doctors. To to them/me its what makes us happy and there for shouldn't that be what counts?

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