Saturday, April 26, 2014


So Beltane is coming up and i thought I would take a moment to say I cant wait lol.

Traditionally Beltane or May Day depending on who your talkin to and what beliefs your working off of is a day when the veil between the Faey World and ours are.
This meaning if your like me its ideal time to celebrate with your dragon, talk to the faey and just honor the faey and elfs for all they do and the Faey come out and play.

I chose on this day, since this is my first one I will be celebrating, to make some hand made flower centerpiece  for my alter, crown Freya for my May Queen, and try out some fun traditional holiday games.
Ill make a point to post some pics on here the day or two after :)

I also thought It would be fun to post some traditions and facts that I have found in my research: Hope you enjoy:

1. Beltane is Gaelic for Bright Fire or Goodly Fire, and there for is the festival of fire. Traditionally believers would make two huge bonfires dancing around and in between the two fires and/ or  taking turns jumping over them.

" "This was the Tein-eigen, the need fire. People jumped the fire to purify, cleanse and to bring fertility. Couples jumped the fire together to pledge themselves to each other. Cattle and other animals were driven through the smoke as a protection from disease and to bring fertility. At the end of the evening, the villagers would take some of the Teineigen to start their fires anew." (From Sacred Celebrations by Glennie Kindred)"

2. It is common for pagans to hold handfasting during this time due to this being the time where the goddess and god are married and most passionate. This is also a time where the married get a "hall pass" so to speak and spend the night "a merrymaking" through the forest or party ;)

3. The Maypole is a popular tradition where a pole, representing God, with a ring of flowers at the top, representing the Goddess, and many colorful ribbons hanging from the top to the ground, representing Life and the union of the Goddess and the God (earth and sky). Children take and do the "weave dance" or "ribbon dance", as some call it, and weave the ribbon around the pole.

4. It is common to place around bowls of milk and honey. This is a treat for the faey and are placed all over the house and yard in hopes that the faey would visit.

5. One traditional game during this time is to place a hazel nut into the coals, one for each of your crushes. Seeing as its more modern times take a permanent marker and write their names on the hazel nut. If one busts that person is not your love or is unfaithful, if it glows till its ashes then they are faithful and true. You could do this with just one for your current boyfriend or if your deciding on a crush and doesn't have to be just for Beltane in fact this is just a traditional game done on holidays or celebrations.

6. This is another fun game kinda asken to the Jewish game of   matzah  where the children have to find the Matzah. In this game Salomone hides a thimble, a ring and a penny. The children go in one at a time to find an object, just one, and after they find it they give it to the hider and he/she re-hides it and repeats till all the children have gone. The ideal is that the ones who finds the thimble will be in a state of "single blessedness" growing up, the ring represents the ones who will  be "speedy marred" and the penny are the ones who will be wealthy.

7.Another tradition during this time is dressing up in costumes. Many will dress as faey and make wings and masks and flower crowns or braid flowers into their hair.

8. Collect rain water, dew or water from a spring on this day to use in health and beauty spells.

9. Some of the traditional foods eaten during this time are Oatmeal, honey, breads, cereals and anything dairy.

10. It is also traditional for people to camp our all night and be with nature, gathering flowers and woods to decorate their home and to be one with mother nature.

Well thats all I plan to say for now I might make a couple of more post on the topic and Im planing on posting some pics later but this then

Blessed Be

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Dream Journals

Hey guys sorry its been a bit, what with internet not working right, Easter (all my family is mega Christian lets just say that was a day of to much for something that admittedly isn't even the right day to celebrate) and my mom apparently ODing up in GA *sigh*. Lifes been a whirlwind the last couple of days. But I'm back.

So Todays topic, for me anyway, is Dream Journals.

I've been told on numerous occasions I should keep one and its always coming up in my tarot readings so I started keeping one online 'cus I know right off the bat I would never keep up with one thats written (Ive tried that before and just didn't do anything with it after about a week) and I would get lazy and not put everything down and miss something important. I started this the last week of February and I have to admit its not really working, granted its working WAY better then my written one ever did. I don't seem to remember to get online and write it out or to be honest I'll be like "It wasn't an important dream so why bother." 

So heres the topic for you guys: leave me a comment and tell me how you manage to get into the habit of writing out your dreams and tricks you have for dream journals. I would love some tips and tricks :)


Sunday, April 20, 2014

So since I live near family and they are all Christian they celebrate Easter.
I spent all this morning watching the Doctor Who Christmas Special cus I hadnt watched it yet, ik ik i just hadnt had the time and wonted to catch back up with the season before watching the it and making Easter Baskets for my cousins lol. Hope none of them get mad cus someone has more pink then another or more yellow.

Also dose anyone besides me thing that they should do a season where all of the doctors eventually show up in the season not just in like this movie where they show up at the end or something, idk just a thought.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Random PIC POST #2 ME

This is just me without the Día de Muertos  makeup 

Hey guys :)
Today I was thinking on tools we use in our practice and was thinking about making my wand and I got this Ideal.

Wood itself have many many many properties and many people make a wand out of one wood for this and another for this. I myself cant do this and was thinking.. why not make one out of clay and sprinkle in powder made from the woods that I am drawn to.

Using this logic i could get some clay and instead of adding say Faery Dust, you instead add a mixture of wood flour, mix it thoroughly and design the wand with the crystal and wire you need and any sigils or runes or anything else you need to carve into it. I could sculpt with this way better, I could do a whole lot more and i could make it way more personal for me anyway then with just one piece of wood.

So thats what I'm planing on doing and when I'm done I shall show post a pic to show you how it turned out :)

Thursday, April 17, 2014

So i found this wallpaper and just love it so thought i would share the love .


I have no ideal what I feel like talkin about today and looks like i wont have Internet for a bit so im just going to say hey and im sorry in advance :)

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Also YAY for being 21 lol I had a great Birthday :P
So as everyone knows last night was a blood moon ie a lunar eclipse and to celebrate it i did two spells and so i thought i would post them for my blog post today:


For this one i did a Banishment spell. 

I found this fear banishment spell online and was like "I can make this work for me" and this was what I came up with.

First you are going to need a piece of paper a pen and a plant (or you can just bury it into the ground).

On the piece of paper your going to make a border around all the sides of the paper with a continues writing of the sentence "I banish from me".
Next you are going to write out all the things you thing is holding you back in life.
For me it was:
Lack of Confidence
My over trusting nature
My 100lbs i need to lose 

 Then you are going to fold the paper and bury your paper under the plant or in the ground saying:

In this box i place
The things i need to banish,
To send them far away from here;
Banish that which holds me back
So I can get things back on track.

As your doing this your going to visualize the ground or plant soaking up what you wish to banish and grounding your mind of anxiety, stress and anything else you need grounded. Your visualize that earth is taking away your problems like the mother she is.
You are going to let this happen for 30 min then come back and get your paper and throw it away so that the effects dont stay in your place, or effect that area in a negative way. 
I burnt my paper so that it would be scattered in the air and purified by fire (i do this with alot of things cus fire is my element and it is believed that burning your messages can send them to the gods and the spirit realms where your guides and other beings reside). I also know that today was going to be nothing but rain so i left the ashes on my driveway and let water carry it away also.


This one wasn't really a spell but a request. I thought I would use the increases in magical energy to help along a message from me to my deities. I have been struggling with reawakening my powers to their full potential since its been years since ive actually used them having grown up hiding them as much as i could and avoiding them. Needless to say they are not happy about it (my powers that is). 

So heres what I did and its pretty simple, I wrote a letter to the god and goddess (I suggest using stationary that is special to you and using a pencil cus lead is used to silence negativity ie might help in the safe passage of the letter). Sounds silly right but thats what I did. To me to send something physical to the spirit realm for Hermes to send to the god and goddess was the most logical thing to do. 
I had read somewhere in my studies that it is believed that on Samhain you should write a letter to those who have passed and then burn it so that they may keep it with them forever and I just feel in love with the concept and ideal behind it. Since then Ive written a letter to my spirit guide and thanked him for all of his work and willingness to guide me on my life journey and to be honest it was within i wont to say a day that I got little hints and signs that he had gotten my message and loved it. 
My thoughts were "Why cant i do this with my gods, they are just as important to me and need to be honored and know that i appreciate them just as much and who really take the time to write a letter of appreciation these days" so thats what i did. 

In the letter i thanked them for choosing me even though I am not positive who my god deity is yet and still question my goddess i know that they are looking out for me and have manage to dream about them and know that they are the ones who have gifted me with so much. I asked them to help me better control my powers and awaken them to my full potential. 

I then put runes i thought i need to add to the four corners of my paper, folded it into fours and then wrote a blessing asking Hermes to grant this letter safe passage to my god and goddess, again placing runes on the four corners and i even drew some symbols of Hermes on it. I then went out side with an offering of Gushers, ik not the best of offerings to others but growing up for me we couldn't have them cus they were to expensive so to me they are a treat and ik that they would understand that. I offered a couple of Gushers and then i set my paper on fire holding it and placed it on the ground making sure it burnt all the way then i broke up the ashes so the wind could blow it and the rain could wash it away.

RANDOM Pic Post #1

Love this ones off center antlers and flower reef. I also love her hair color.
This one has lovely red hair and i just love the amount of work she put into her reef and wings for her May Day celebrations.

This one sorta reminded me of a dream I have about my diety and my dragons.
I love the whole crecent moon perch with the day of the dead sugar skull and the lock and key aspect of this owl.

Just a brilliantly done fire Faey. Being a fire element I just adore it.

This one was just to cute not to post :)

Monday, April 14, 2014

YAY 21st Birthday

Hey guys so i forgot that I even had one of these so i was like you know what, lets revamp it and start from scratch because its a new year (for me lol) and I'm ready for some BLOGING fun. So lets start with what I hope for in the coming year of my life and some facts about me :

This year for me is going to be all about openly practicing and doing as much as I can to further my Wiccan Path. I grow up in the south where "Our Lord Jesus" rains supreme in the religion department. I have grown up in church and was made to go every day of my life till I turned 15/16 and started putting my foot down, and my mom started using more so she didn't care as much, but thats besides the point :P
From having to go to church Sunday morning for Sunday School and church, to Sunday Afternoon for children and later adult Chorus practice, Sunday night church, Wednesday nights youth church, Thursday for Teen group and drama practice, Friday once a month traveling to other youth gatherings and every other Saturday for Travailing Chorus ie a bunch of old people and me and my sisters and mom went to nursing homes and song for them I had had more then enough of church. Oh and the week long summer church camp lets not forget those, about the only time i enjoyed church to be honest.
I have dabbled in wicca off and on secretly since i was 9 and have always been the kid who was like "Why are we believing in the words a man wrote in a book that others have proven to be wrong or at least parts to be missing? If god had a child then doesn't that make Him a Her, and if not then who is his wife and dosn't that mean there is a goddess, also? Your bible has many translations and rewordings, and in fact Christians have gradually changed thoughts and ideals to fit them so then are one Christian different then another and there for one is wrong and another right?"  Needless to say I was not a favorite among my church's preachers when I asked questions.

At this moment of time I have not set a specific path other then I know that I like parts of Draconian Wicca, Norse Gods, and Gris Gris bags are a focal point in my practice. I also throw in Celtic magic and Native American elements because I am both. I have been studying and have decided to start my year and a day study Today only because to me this is a new year in my life and being 21 I consider this to be a major year in becoming an Adult.

As for my practicing spells so far Ive only done three or four. One to banish negative energies from my friend and it was actually a jar I made and added some herbs to some lead and some sigils I made just for the spell. Another was to achieve my goal of weight loss 'cus I'm a women and that what we do :P jk I being 250 lbs am way over weight and I know this, I have been sick for the last 2 years and just started getting better as of December so I'm trying to rid myself of all the weight I gained during that time (I have never been over 175 lbs and this is killing me *sigh*). A spell to help my abilities come out of hiding, due to my moms trying to use my abilities and other things I have locked out my abilities to see and communicate with spirit and tried my hardest to eliminate my Knowledge Speak (the ability to say something and it be true when you didn't even know what you said before you said Ill explain this one I'm more detail in another post), Empathy and were not even going to do into my dreams. And a luck spell gris gris I paired with my "Ability and Health" necklace I made for myself.

My Goals This Year:

I'm hoping to add more spells to my repartition via jewelry like necklaces and bracelets. In fact I have a whole list of them already made just need the materials.

Make a wand.

Get some more materials and set up an alter.

Do some more DIY things.

Make my first BOS that isn't online or in a notebook that is consist organized and not so randomly done and note-takingly done.