Thursday, April 24, 2014

Dream Journals

Hey guys sorry its been a bit, what with internet not working right, Easter (all my family is mega Christian lets just say that was a day of to much for something that admittedly isn't even the right day to celebrate) and my mom apparently ODing up in GA *sigh*. Lifes been a whirlwind the last couple of days. But I'm back.

So Todays topic, for me anyway, is Dream Journals.

I've been told on numerous occasions I should keep one and its always coming up in my tarot readings so I started keeping one online 'cus I know right off the bat I would never keep up with one thats written (Ive tried that before and just didn't do anything with it after about a week) and I would get lazy and not put everything down and miss something important. I started this the last week of February and I have to admit its not really working, granted its working WAY better then my written one ever did. I don't seem to remember to get online and write it out or to be honest I'll be like "It wasn't an important dream so why bother." 

So heres the topic for you guys: leave me a comment and tell me how you manage to get into the habit of writing out your dreams and tricks you have for dream journals. I would love some tips and tricks :)


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