Tuesday, April 15, 2014

So as everyone knows last night was a blood moon ie a lunar eclipse and to celebrate it i did two spells and so i thought i would post them for my blog post today:


For this one i did a Banishment spell. 

I found this fear banishment spell online and was like "I can make this work for me" and this was what I came up with.

First you are going to need a piece of paper a pen and a plant (or you can just bury it into the ground).

On the piece of paper your going to make a border around all the sides of the paper with a continues writing of the sentence "I banish from me".
Next you are going to write out all the things you thing is holding you back in life.
For me it was:
Lack of Confidence
My over trusting nature
My 100lbs i need to lose 

 Then you are going to fold the paper and bury your paper under the plant or in the ground saying:

In this box i place
The things i need to banish,
To send them far away from here;
Banish that which holds me back
So I can get things back on track.

As your doing this your going to visualize the ground or plant soaking up what you wish to banish and grounding your mind of anxiety, stress and anything else you need grounded. Your visualize that earth is taking away your problems like the mother she is.
You are going to let this happen for 30 min then come back and get your paper and throw it away so that the effects dont stay in your place, or effect that area in a negative way. 
I burnt my paper so that it would be scattered in the air and purified by fire (i do this with alot of things cus fire is my element and it is believed that burning your messages can send them to the gods and the spirit realms where your guides and other beings reside). I also know that today was going to be nothing but rain so i left the ashes on my driveway and let water carry it away also.


This one wasn't really a spell but a request. I thought I would use the increases in magical energy to help along a message from me to my deities. I have been struggling with reawakening my powers to their full potential since its been years since ive actually used them having grown up hiding them as much as i could and avoiding them. Needless to say they are not happy about it (my powers that is). 

So heres what I did and its pretty simple, I wrote a letter to the god and goddess (I suggest using stationary that is special to you and using a pencil cus lead is used to silence negativity ie might help in the safe passage of the letter). Sounds silly right but thats what I did. To me to send something physical to the spirit realm for Hermes to send to the god and goddess was the most logical thing to do. 
I had read somewhere in my studies that it is believed that on Samhain you should write a letter to those who have passed and then burn it so that they may keep it with them forever and I just feel in love with the concept and ideal behind it. Since then Ive written a letter to my spirit guide and thanked him for all of his work and willingness to guide me on my life journey and to be honest it was within i wont to say a day that I got little hints and signs that he had gotten my message and loved it. 
My thoughts were "Why cant i do this with my gods, they are just as important to me and need to be honored and know that i appreciate them just as much and who really take the time to write a letter of appreciation these days" so thats what i did. 

In the letter i thanked them for choosing me even though I am not positive who my god deity is yet and still question my goddess i know that they are looking out for me and have manage to dream about them and know that they are the ones who have gifted me with so much. I asked them to help me better control my powers and awaken them to my full potential. 

I then put runes i thought i need to add to the four corners of my paper, folded it into fours and then wrote a blessing asking Hermes to grant this letter safe passage to my god and goddess, again placing runes on the four corners and i even drew some symbols of Hermes on it. I then went out side with an offering of Gushers, ik not the best of offerings to others but growing up for me we couldn't have them cus they were to expensive so to me they are a treat and ik that they would understand that. I offered a couple of Gushers and then i set my paper on fire holding it and placed it on the ground making sure it burnt all the way then i broke up the ashes so the wind could blow it and the rain could wash it away.

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