Monday, April 14, 2014

YAY 21st Birthday

Hey guys so i forgot that I even had one of these so i was like you know what, lets revamp it and start from scratch because its a new year (for me lol) and I'm ready for some BLOGING fun. So lets start with what I hope for in the coming year of my life and some facts about me :

This year for me is going to be all about openly practicing and doing as much as I can to further my Wiccan Path. I grow up in the south where "Our Lord Jesus" rains supreme in the religion department. I have grown up in church and was made to go every day of my life till I turned 15/16 and started putting my foot down, and my mom started using more so she didn't care as much, but thats besides the point :P
From having to go to church Sunday morning for Sunday School and church, to Sunday Afternoon for children and later adult Chorus practice, Sunday night church, Wednesday nights youth church, Thursday for Teen group and drama practice, Friday once a month traveling to other youth gatherings and every other Saturday for Travailing Chorus ie a bunch of old people and me and my sisters and mom went to nursing homes and song for them I had had more then enough of church. Oh and the week long summer church camp lets not forget those, about the only time i enjoyed church to be honest.
I have dabbled in wicca off and on secretly since i was 9 and have always been the kid who was like "Why are we believing in the words a man wrote in a book that others have proven to be wrong or at least parts to be missing? If god had a child then doesn't that make Him a Her, and if not then who is his wife and dosn't that mean there is a goddess, also? Your bible has many translations and rewordings, and in fact Christians have gradually changed thoughts and ideals to fit them so then are one Christian different then another and there for one is wrong and another right?"  Needless to say I was not a favorite among my church's preachers when I asked questions.

At this moment of time I have not set a specific path other then I know that I like parts of Draconian Wicca, Norse Gods, and Gris Gris bags are a focal point in my practice. I also throw in Celtic magic and Native American elements because I am both. I have been studying and have decided to start my year and a day study Today only because to me this is a new year in my life and being 21 I consider this to be a major year in becoming an Adult.

As for my practicing spells so far Ive only done three or four. One to banish negative energies from my friend and it was actually a jar I made and added some herbs to some lead and some sigils I made just for the spell. Another was to achieve my goal of weight loss 'cus I'm a women and that what we do :P jk I being 250 lbs am way over weight and I know this, I have been sick for the last 2 years and just started getting better as of December so I'm trying to rid myself of all the weight I gained during that time (I have never been over 175 lbs and this is killing me *sigh*). A spell to help my abilities come out of hiding, due to my moms trying to use my abilities and other things I have locked out my abilities to see and communicate with spirit and tried my hardest to eliminate my Knowledge Speak (the ability to say something and it be true when you didn't even know what you said before you said Ill explain this one I'm more detail in another post), Empathy and were not even going to do into my dreams. And a luck spell gris gris I paired with my "Ability and Health" necklace I made for myself.

My Goals This Year:

I'm hoping to add more spells to my repartition via jewelry like necklaces and bracelets. In fact I have a whole list of them already made just need the materials.

Make a wand.

Get some more materials and set up an alter.

Do some more DIY things.

Make my first BOS that isn't online or in a notebook that is consist organized and not so randomly done and note-takingly done.

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